
Friday, April 02, 2004

Our link farm becomes popular 

When we first launched our mangeur de cigogne link farm many competitors could not believe it. They immediately suspected we were cloaking. After a while, our first free for all mangeur de cigogne link pages start to appear in Google. Its cache proves our honesty. Competitors realize that we were not cheating and enroll their page. Finally our farm is becoming prosperous... Stork eaters are like Saint Thomas. They trust it now they can see it. A lot of fun in view ;-)...

What's up? 

Long time no see. We've been away from this blog for a while, busy hunting links. We now feel guilty for this since we've discovered that taggle honored it with a permanent link ;-) See, we're back with more news.

So what happened since our last post:
- Abacus (a competitor?) dumped our mangeur de cigogne in a famous link farm (March 20). Was he trying to have it blacklisted, or did he think it could help us? We'll never know. Anyway, it had no effect so far...
- A competitor says that this blog redirects google to taggle's mangeur de cigogne. Funny one. Read full story...
- Our mangeur de cigogne is currently navigating between rank#6 and Rank#11, depending on google cache (yeah! We're still experiencing this revert thing from time to time). We're happy with this. It perfectly fits our roadmap. Roadmap? More details coming soon...

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